The Relationship with Your Therapist is the Cornerstone of Change.


Every plan is customized for each client, relationship, and organization. We welcome you.

Individual Therapy

Sara greets each client with compassion, kindness, and understands that you are the expert on your own life and experience. Therapy incorporates aspects of traditional psychotherapy that allows a deep dive into your past. Next Sara will teach you to relieve past trauma through Mind-Body techniques. The final stage is looking forward to growing relationships, meeting goals, and having unconditional support for your future.

Couples & Relationship Counseling

Relationships have a tendency to fall into patterns. Over time, unhealthy patterns of communication can lead to arguments, lack of connection, and making changes can feel overwhelming. Sara acts as a mediator, a teacher, and guides relationships toward connection and growth. Physical and emotional intimacy are both vital aspects of a healthy relationship, so Sara creates an environment where these can be addressed in comfort.

Longer Sessions, Faster Healing

It all begins with an idea. Therapists have begun to evaluate the traditional mode of therapy, which can lengthen the healing process due to connecting for solely one hour per week. There are many clients who benefit from a longer session, so Sara creates a customized plan for several hours of therapy in a single weekend. This is the culmination of a weekend therapy retreat, but from your own home and most comfortable space.

Healthcare Care Coordination & Education

Sara has years of experience working as a Medical Social Worker and therefore understands the needs of care coordination with medical practitioners, from small practices to large hospital systems. Additionally, Sara provides education for individuals, practices, and large groups as a way to incorporate the psycho-education needed for growth, healing, and for staff training. Please reach out for more details in regard to care coordination or education.

“From weekly sessions to a weekend of intense therapy home retreats, the goal is always your personal growth and healing.”

— Sara

Why a Free Consultation?

Large therapy platforms use an algorithm to “match” clients with a therapist. You are worth so much more than an algorithm. Meet Sara and make sure that you can grow a sense of comfort to allow a future emotional connection.